Specializing in Employment Law and
Civil Litigation in the Denver-metro area
Empower Law Specializes in Employment Law
Initial consultations are free and Empower Law offers flexible billing arrangements.
Call to schedule your free consultation today.
As a former civil litigator specializing in workplace claims against the City of Denver, few attorneys have the insight and experience that Empower Law’s founder, Christopher M.A. Lujan, brings to his cases.
Whether you own a small business that needs to protect itself from employment-related lawsuits, or are an employee who needs to right a wrong, Empower Law is the home of an attorney who wrote many of the legal processes that impact today’s local employment laws.
Arming yourself with that type of insider information gives you the power you need to navigate the employment-law landscape with confidence knowing that you are in good hands.
Empower Law's employment law practice specializes in:
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEO) claims
Discrimination based on age, disability, gender, sexual orientation, or other protected classes covered under federal or state discrimination laws
Hostile work environment
Sexual harassment claims
Wage and payment violations
Wrongful termination
Constructive discharge
Unemployment claims
The American worker relies on hard work and steady employment to feed the family. When that employment is jeopardized by management who violates the law and puts your financial independence in peril, you need an advocate who is going to vigorously represent you at this most trying time.
Christopher M.A. Lujan founded Empower Law because as a former employer counsel, he witnessed first hand the devastating effects that illegal management can have on employees. Although the power is tilted in favor of management, Empower Law seeks to balance that power in favor of individuals by offering cost-effective legal representation that obtains favorable results for clients who are going through some of the most difficult times in their lives.
Empower Law's mission is predicated on the belief that no one who is going through these professional challenges should ever have to walk alone.

A message from Christopher M.A. Lujan
Founding Partner, Empower Law:

I founded Empower Law with a single goal in mind: to ensure my clients never walk alone.
By offering high-quality legal representation at an affordable cost, I can offer a service that ensures those who need an attorney can actually afford one. I learned early on that legal rights are meaningless if you cannot afford to exercise them.
My vision began coming to life in 2013 when I worked as a prosecutor and civil litigator for the City and County of Denver. During my 17 years of public service, most of my work was honorable and left me with a profound sense of fulfillment. Protecting my fellow citizens against criminals and those who attempted to raid the public coffers got me out of bed every day, and standing up for women and children who were victims of domestic abuse was some of the most rewarding work of my career.
But that sense of fulfillment was often juxtaposed with a sobering reality. During my time as a civil litigator, I was able to get many cases dismissed no matter how foolishly my client behaved, and I couldn’t shake the disturbing feeling that I was often achieving results simply because defendants were no match for the legal power of the City.
And that’s when Empower Law was born.
I wanted to empower those who are overpowered and give hope to the besieged, so I started a practice that is dedicated solely to representing clients who do not have a voice and who need an advocate – a practice where the client never walks alone.
I welcome the opportunity to serve as your legal counsel and look forward to discussing your case with you soon.

“All too often people feel they must give up their legal rights – and their dreams – because they do not have the means or the will to understand and overcome the government’s complicated and convoluted processes. I know about these processes firsthand because I wrote many of them. I did not write these processes to benefit the people; I wrote them to benefit the government. But I don’t work for the government anymore.”
Christopher M.A. Lujan
Founding Partner, Empower Law
Empower Law exists so that average Colorado men and women with limited means can have access to quality legal representation and insider knowledge of the system. We are not for the “privileged few” who have never experienced the difficulties most people face; we are not for those who have never faced retaliation at work, or who have never lost their job for simply disagreeing with leadership; and we are definitely not for people whose privilege shields them from being held accountable for violating the law.
Consistent with this purpose, Empower Law’s fees are significantly lower than the median rates in Denver, and initial consultations are always free.
If you are looking for a practice that enables you to use the law to achieve results that better your situation, then we are the firm for you.
At Empower Law, our clients never walk alone.
verb | \ im-ˈpau̇(-ə)r \
to make (someone) stronger and more confident, especially in controlling their life and claiming their rights.​
to give power or authority; to authorize, especially by legal or official means